Holy Week Schedule at St. Justin Martyr Parish, Unionville
We extend a warm welcome to you all this season. Come and celebrate with us!
Palm Sunday (April 12/13, 2025) (The Passion of our Lord)
Saturday, April 12 at 5 pm
Sunday, April 13 at 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm and 7 pm
Holy Thursday (April 17, 2025) (Mass of our Lord' Supper)
Thursday, April 17 at 8 pm
*There will be no morning Mass
*Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9-11 pm.
Good Friday (April 18, 2025) : The Lord’s Passion (Day of Fasting and Abstinence)
Friday, April 18, Services at 9 am, 12 pm and 3 pm
*Stations of the Cross at 7 pm
Holy Saturday (April 19, 2025) : Resurrection of our Lord
Saturday, April 19, Easter Vigil at 8 pm
*There will be no 9:10 am or 5 pm Mass
There will be no Confessions
At 8 pm Mass, we will welcome our candidates for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
Easter Sunday (April 20, 2025) : Resurrection of our Lord
Sunday, April 20, Masses at 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm and 7 pm
Sunday, April 27, 2025
Masses at 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm, 3 pm and 7 pm
Divine Mercy Chaplet, followed by Mass at 3 pm