As an approach to enhance the support towards mothers and babies, Knights...
Welcome to Catholic Mom's Group at St. Justin Martyr Parish! We...
The annual event of the Season of Creation begins on September 1...
Dear Parents or Guardians of Grade 7 students and above, If you...
Dear Parents/Guardians of Grade 2 students and above, Welcome to St...
The Society of Saint Vincent De Paul (SSVP) will be collecting gently...
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then you...
泰澤祈禱: 讓我們以短誦、讀經和黙想一起來到主的祭台前,放下、交托、陪伴主渡寧靜的一晚。 泰澤祈禱將於9月14日(星期六...
天主教多倫多總教區華人牧民議會主辦靈修講座, 駐馬耳他及利比亞宗座大使韓大輝總主教主講 Apostolic Nuncio to Malta and Libya Archbishop Savio...
Dorothy Pilarski and the team at invite you to learn...
Catholic Cemeteries & Funeral Services – Archdiocese of Toronto invites you to...
Please join us for a BBQ celebrating 75 years of Manresa Jesuit...