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LifeTeen (Grade 9 to 12)

LifeTeen Logo

LifeTeen is a movement within the Roman Catholic Church that leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus and His Church.

Just like the Liturgy, the structure of our Life Nights are: “Gather, Proclaim, Break and Send”. We Gather as a community to get to know one another, build friendships and open our hearts to the Lord. We Proclaim the  Good News of the Gospel through reading of Scripture, talks, dramas, videos and skits. We Break and go deeper into the material by small group discussions, activities, reflections and prayers. We then Send and challenge our teens to go back into their families and communities and apply the message of the Gospel that they have learned into their lives.

There are three types of LIFE Nights: Catechesis (learning about our Catholic faith), Issue (hear about important life issues from a Catholic perspective) and Social (where we build friendships and community involvement with each other).

For more information about LifeTeen, contact Hilton Chiu (Youth Minister) at youth@stjustin.ca or call Parish Office at (905)-479-2463.